MLUMC is eager to welcome people of every age into ministry. Church life is enriched and ministries thrive when people are involved and participate in the activities of the church. There are many opportunities to serve and participate in the life of our church. For more information about any of these ministries, contact us.
Ministries Serving Our Church, Its Members and Friends
Children’s Ministries and Events
- Sunday School
- Children’s Mission Projects
- Presentation of Third Grade Bibles
- Scripture, Worship and Wesleyan History Enrichment
- Nursery Care during Worship and Special Events
- Vacation Bible School
- Camping
Youth Ministry and Events
- Fall Kick-Off Event
- Sunday Afternoon Youth Fellowship
- Winter Retreats
- Summer Mission Trip
- UMW Circles
Adult Programs
- Sunday School Classes: Focus, Homebuilders, Kerygma, Mixers, Network
- Faith for Today- Summer Adult Sunday School Series
- Coffee Café
- Tuesday Morning Men’s Fellowship
- United Methodist Women
- United Methodist Women’s Circles
- Hands & Heart in Mission Sewing Group
- Young Mothers Support
Family & Fellowship Events
- Terrific Tuesdays!
- Children’s Sabbath Festivities
- Advent Dinner
- Easter Celebration
Worship Support
- Ushers
- Acolytes
- Lay Readers
- Greeters
- Decorating Committee
- Communion Stewards
- Hospitality Team
- Sound System Volunteers
Music and Events
- Chancel Choir, Promise Bells, Chapel Bells for Adults
- Youth Choir, Children’s Choir, Glory Bells for Youth and Children
- All-church Christmas Concert
- Spring Hand Bell Concert/Berry Festival
Spiritual Formation
- Confirmation and Preparation Classes
- Advent and Lenten Bible Studies
- Bishop’s Bible Study
Spiritual Life
- Intercessory Prayer Chain
- Prayer Card Ministry
- On-Line Prayer Ministry
Membership Care
- Hospital, Nursing Home, Shut-in and Home-bound Visits and Communion
- Wholistic Health Outreach Ministry (WHOM) Team Nurses
- TNT (Thursday Noon Together) – Asbury Hts.
- Childcare
- Tape Ministry
- Family Fund for Special Needs
- Pastors’ Discretionary Fund support
- Columbarium
Facilitators of Ministry
- Church Council
- Trustees and Building Funds
- Foodservice Director
- Landscaping and Gardening Angels
- Money Counters
- Office Volunteers
- Compass (newsletter) Volunteers
Ministries Serving Our Community and the World
Community Ministries and Events
- Food Pantry
- Family Promise
- Northside Reading Program
- Northside Lunch Program
- Thanksgiving and Christmas Meal Ministry
- East End Cooperative Ministry Meals
- The Food Lift
Mission Outreach Ministries and Events
- Haiti Mission
- Zimbabwe Missions
- Lithuania and Latvia Missions
- Zwickau, Germany Partner Church