Hello UMW and MLUMC members,
I hope you’re all staying safe!
As many of you know, our UMW unit has been active in supporting the efforts of The Nyadire Connection (a group of Pittsburgh churches). This year, on Nov. 16, our church awarded a special gift of $4,000 from the Second Mile Fund for Nyadire’s “Cash for Clinics Challenge.”
The Second Mile Fund was founded by former MLUMC members Newt and Betty Lou Heston, now deceased, who lovingly created it to finance MLUMC mission endeavors that fall outside regularly budgeted mission programs.
The fund’s $4,000 gift is being matched by The United Methodist Foundation of Western PA for a total contribution of $8,000! (The Hestons would be so pleased!)
To find out more about the importance and life changing/saving capabilities of the Nyadire clinics, please join us for a Zoom webinar on Wednesday, December 2nd at 7 pm EST when we will provide an update about the rebuilding of the rural medical clinic at Mashambanhaka, Zimbabwe, Africa.
This is the 5th of 6 clinics that The Nyadire Connection is rebuilding to provide basic, front-line medical care for thousands of villagers in Northeast Zimbabwe.
We hope to have several testimonials from some of the nurses, villagers, and church officials from Zimbabwe as to the importance of these clinics.
This event should last about 45 minutes, during which time we hope to raise $25,000 to match a challenge grant from the United Methodist Foundation.
Please join us on December 2nd — even if you cannot make a donation at this time. I believe that you will find this to be an interesting and informative event.
Here is the link for the webinar:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.When: Dec 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)Topic: TNC Challenge Grant Fundraiser
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 107848Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16465588656,,93323866570#,,,,,,0#,,107848# or +13017158592,,93323866570#,,,,,,0#,,107848#
Thank you!
Bonnie Lawson