For those of you who have registered to attend our outdoor worship service at MLUMC on Sunday, July 26 at 9:30 am – Thank You! It will be wonderful to worship God along with you! Here are a few instructions concerning the service:
In the event of rain, the outdoor service will be cancelled. Please be sure to check your e-mail or the church website before traveling to the church, if it is raining on Sunday morning. We will post any cancellation before 9 am.
Don’t forget to bring your lawn chair. A limited number of church chairs will be available for those who do not have one.
Regular parking will be in our lower parking lot, with reserved in-car seating and regular seating in our upper lot. A church volunteer will direct those who have requested in-car seating in the upper lot.
Due to security issues, we will not receive an offering at this outdoor service. You will be encouraged to give by using the methods that you have by now grown accustomed to — by mail, by automatic debit from your bank account, or online. Thanks for your cooperation and support!
Please come prepared to wear a mask or other facial covering to this service. And as a suggestion, a hat and sun screen may help protect you from what could be another hot morning.
The worship bulletin is now posted online. Please follow the link here to download and print your own copy at home. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday morning in the parking lot!